Prayer and Fasting

Please join us for Prayer & Fasting for the Third Bishop of the Diocese of Western Anglicans

on the 3rd Thursday of Every Month
from Advent 2023 to March 29, 2025

Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a Bishop for the Diocese of Western Anglicans that we may receive a faithful pastor who will preach the Gospel, care for your people, equip us for ministry, and lead us forth in fulfillment of the Great Commission; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Suggestions for Fasting

Choose a fasting timeframe. Either:

  • Fast after breakfast until lunch the following day, eating a light meal, or
  • Fast after dinner through the night and morning, eating a light meal at dinner

Please feel free to write down what the Lord is saying to you during this prayer time and provide these details to the Diocesan Transition Team at:

Note: Fasting shifts our focus from meeting our basic needs on our own and trains us to depend on God. Please fast from food if at all possible, as food is our most basic physical need.

Download the prayer and fasting card for printing and sharing.